BARABRA project special session in the 7th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable polymers. BIOPOL 2019


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BIOPOL -2019 Scientific programme (BARABRA project session)
giving leaflets at the BARBARA project session
BARBARA project session-audience
BARBARA project stand.1
BARABRA sesion keynote.1
BIOPOL-2019 social program-Golden room
BARBARA project stand.2
BIOPOL-2019 social program-Vasa Museum, Vasamuseet.1
BIOPOL-2019 social program-Vasa Museum, Vasamuseet.2
BIOPOL-2019 social program-Vasa Museum, Vasamuseet.3

Last 17th-19th June BARBARA project had a complete special session in the 7th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable polymers, in Stockholm. Also we had one stand with the last samples, the new BARBARA project leaflets, a box to let the contact to revived more information and the newsletter subscription request and a computer to make the subscription on-site if someone would like to do it. The BARBARA project stand was next to the Conference sponsors stands, next to the conferences rooms and in front of the coffee breaks place. A lot of people shown interest in the project and ask to the staff for more information about the BARBARA project.

On Tuesday (18th) started the BARBARA project special session with the Keynote Lecture “Agro-food waste valorisation as a source of value biochemical towards a circular economy”, by Maria del Carmen Garrigós Selva from de University of Alicante. Then the session continued with the following talks:

  • Blaz Irme from KTH: “Organocatalytic esterification of corn starch for materials applications”
  • Luigi Torre from University of Perugia: “Polyester-based biocomposites with enhanced properties by using natural additives obtained from agrofood wastes”
  • Lidia García form AITIIP: “Filament development for 3D printing based on BARBARA biocomposites.

At the room entrance our staffs gave to the audience the new leaflets and a lot of people show their interest to the talks about the BARABRA project.

We would like to thank especially all the local organising committee in KTH by their great job in making the conference and BARABRA project special session running smoothly.

Pictures and comments of the special session were published in twitter. At the end of the BIOPOL conferences the #BARBARA_BIOPOL19 publications reach 4045 impressions!

You can see here all the pictures from the BIOPOL19 conference, the BARBARA project stand and the special session. Do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.


Last 17th-19th June BARBARA project had a complete special session in the 7th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable polymers, in Stockholm.