Tuesday, 28 November, 2017 to Wednesday, 29 November, 2017
The 12th edition of the annual European Bioplastics Conference will showcase just how biopolymers are ‘Making the Difference’ in driving innovations forward for more sustainability, resource efficiency, and functionality. Every year the European Bioplastics Conference features a well-researched conference programme and impressive speaker line-up attracting more than 300 senior bioplastics decision makers from across the bioplastics value chain, policy bodies, NGOs, and brand owners.Our partners in the Barbara project, Nurel will participate in the Conference, showing their newest materials and their contribution within project BARBARA.
- Unique conference programme: An impressive speaker line-up will demonstrate how far biopolymers have come and highlight some of the latest and most innovative developments in new bio-based materials, applications, processing and end-of-life options. Moreover, it will take a closer look at recent amendments in the policy frameworks for the European bioeconomy and circular economy and their implications on the bioplastics industry in Europe.
- Excellent networking opportunities: Social evenings, interactive conference format, exclusive networking areas and a digital partnering tool will connect you to stakeholders and leading bioplastics experts.
- Comprehensive product exhibition: Showcasing the latest products and services, the exhibition brings together decision makers of all sectors of the bioplastics value chain
MARITIM proArte Hotel