UPDATE: FREE TRAINING CONFERENCE to be held in Alicante on March 30th is POSTPONED by following the emergency state declared by the Spanish Government and the own restrictions to all activities ordered by the University of Alicante as a result of the COVID-19 global outbreak. Further announcements regarding the celebration of this conference will be available as soon as the situation caused by this crisis will be back to normal.
NOTICIA: La jornada científica que se iba a celebrar en Alicante el día 30 de Marzo de 2020 queda SUSPENDIDA a causa del estado de alarma decretado por el Gobierno de España y las propias restricciones marcadas por la Universidad de Alicante a causa de la crisis global del COVID-19. Una vez se vuelva a la situación normal se comunicará la nueva fecha de realización de esta conferencia.
More information: https://www.barbaraproject.eu/update-free-training-conference-will-be-postponed
We apologize for the inconveniences that may result from this unexpected change. If you already booked your place.
Kind regards,
Barbara Project