Entreprise Europe Network, the European Comission and several research and innovation Norwegian institutions organize the Conference "Unlimited opportunities in the circular economy: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling" which will be held in Oslo, Norway on September 19th
The Conference aims at promoting international networking within the frame of H2020 opportunities on circular economy related ideas. Our partners, ACCIONA and University of Alicante, will introduce the BARBARA project in this conference and meet other EU experts, as to expand the professional network, find new international partners and develop new project ideas
This one-day event will present latest policy news and introduce relevant forthcoming calls for proposals in the H2020 programme and EEA grants programme.
There will also be presentations of case studies.
The matchmaking event will be a great opportunity to meet international partners within R&D, technology suppliers and potential clients for future H2020 collaboration.
Participation is free of charge.
Main conference topics:
Waste - recycling, reuse and recovery
A water smart society
Alternative sources and efficient use of energy and materials
The brokerage event addresses collaboration in the following fields:
Reducing material and resource inputs
Maintaining the value of products, materials and resources for as long as possible
Minimising the generation of waste
Replacing non-renewable resources with biomass
Protecting oceans and land from waste and litter by remediating existing concentrates, mitigating new pollution and developing biodegradable bio plastics.
R&D, new business models and value chains
The main target group for the event is businesses and researchers looking for partners in innovation and R&D activities / developing new business models and value chains within the area of circular economy in H2020.