SusChem 2019 is Stakeholders Event Sustainable Chemistry to solve global challenges: the new SusChem Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. The event was held at the Marriott Grande Place hotel, in Brussels, on 27 November 2019.
The new SusChem SIRA, will reflect the strategy and role of Sustainable Chemistry and Industrial Biotech in boosting innovation in Europe, in the context of Horizon Europe and beyond.
The stakeholder event featured several panel debates and an exciting speaker line-up from the European Commission, civil society, industry and academia. Alfonso Jiménez from the University of Alicante assited at this event. The event offered an unique opportunity to exchange on the global and societal challenges, and the SusChem SIRA-relevant priorities, including the digital transformation of the chemical and industrial biotech sectors, the prospects and challenges of Circular Economy and the energy transition, across value chains, and the role of innovation at national and European level.
UA as the BARBARA dissemination leader has followed an intense program to let the BARBARA project known to some of the most important Stakeholders in the area of sustainable chemistry and circular economy. Important policy makers in
this area, such as Mr. Philippe Mengal Executive Director of BBI and Ms. Angels Orduña Executive Director of SPIRE as well as some European Commission officials have also participated in this forum.