Nurel and TECNO present the project at the 12th European Bioplastics Conference


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Tuesday, 28 November, 2017 to Wednesday, 29 November, 2017

Nurel sales manager Mr. Carlos Gil and Dr. Lidia Garcia (TECNO) participated this week in the 12th edition of the annual European Bioplastics Conference among an impressive speaker line-up of more than 300 senior bioplastics decision makers from across the bioplastics value chain, policy bodies, NGOs, and brand owners (link to the Conference).

Held in Berlin, Germany, the Conference showcased how biopolymers are ‘Making the Difference’ in driving innovations forward for more sustainability, resource efficiency, and functionality. Our partners in the Barbara project, Nurel and TECNO, presented their newest materials, both bio-based and biodegradable, and their role within project BARBARA.

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