SPIRIT Slovenia and the Ministry of economic development and technology organize the Innovation day 2017, presenting opportunities and possibilities within a circular economy offers – from waste over different materials and technologies to various applications (advanced materials, alternative sources, advanced production technologies, nanotechnology and biotechnology) and more.
It will also offer the possibility of B2B and R2B meetings and targeted workshops within a specific Innovation day 2017- Matchmaking. The matchmaking event will be a great opportunity to meet international partners within R&D, technology suppliers and potential clients for future H2020 collaboration.
European and world leading companies and cities, with the support of policy makers (EC, OECD) are turning to circular economy. This means they are taking active part in the system wide transformation: from waste to added value. Several initiatives seek to spark a new wave of innovation and to move the new value chains into a positive spiral of value capture, stronger economics, and better environmental outcomes.
Draft programme
11.00 Plenary session:
A word of welcome from the organisers
Where do Global and European Circular Economy Trends lead us? Ms. Antonija Bozic Cerar, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Presentation of global / European financial support programs, dedicated to circular economy issues and innovation. Mr. Igor Milek, PhD. SPIRIT Slovenia
How to initiate “circular economy” thinking in the process of innovation creation - case study of Gorenje's project RESCOM. Mr. Ales Mihelic, PhD. Gorenje Group d.d.
Workshops (focused on applications – market)
Sources and applications for automotive and electrical industry
Sources and applications for packaging industry
Sources and applications for food and pharmaceutical industry
11.00 – 13.30 Individual R2B and B2B meetings
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch break
14.30: Transforming Dreams Into Reality
3 innovative guest will speak about their innovative spirit and experiences, which led them to international success.
16.00: Awards Ceremony: the CCIS innovation awards 2017
We will award the most innovative companies in Slovenia in the year 2017.