Barbara Project in Zaragoza participates in ‘S3 plastic congress’ a congress organised by AITIIP


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Wednesday, 6 November, 2019
In order to re-think and re-consider that plastic is a valuable material that increase our quality of life, Plastipolis and Aitiip Technology Center organise the second edition of S3: Smart, Safe and Sustainable plastic congress, which was taking place at Zaragoza, during the 6th November.
Our partners presented:
  • “3D printing advanced bioplastics” - Marta Redrado. AITIIP TECHNOLOGY CENTRE
  • “Production of biobased plastics” - Vanesa Muñoz. NUREL
  • “Extraction of biobased elements from natural resources” - Francisco Vilaplana. KTH 
  • “New bioplastics developments for 3D printing” - Luigi Torre. UNIPG
  • “Bioplastics in the automotive sector” - Dr. Luca Gili. FIAT CHRYSLER AUTOMOBILES 


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